Monday, May 6, 2013

Breakfast menu

Cobe teke ape ini??
This is scramble egg in phyllo pastry! 
Bagi mereke2 di luar sane yg dah xde idea utk masak apa for breakfast, try this out!


Zoom out sikit pic ni supaya blh teka apekebende nye ini..

Care2 nak buat:
Beli aje ready made phyllo pastry...(betolke aku eje) Sebab tak taulah kot ade makhluk yg rajin nak buat pastry mcm ni saje2 

Masak scramble egg and sprinkle any cheese yg uolls suke

Boleh jugak letak salmon or sausage or salami 

Last sekali, potong pastry ikut sesuke hati bentuk dan size dan letaklah scramble kat tengah2 and wack it into the oven 180 deg celcius until its golden brown

Sedaaapppp giteww~

Almond 'bepang'

Orang duk sebok ckp pasal election..bowring and blur ~ Lets try this recipe inspired from Mamus wedding;s doorgift..tak sangke plak bende ni ade jual and very the expensive. Tp menurut my teori, its actually originate from our malay bepang (tau tak nak nyebutnyee)..pakai kacang tanah je and sugar..and kite improvise la sikit ikut peredaran zaman kononnye~

Toasted almonds, black sesame, pumpkin seed dan sebagainye; sukehati nak letak segale kacang yg ade pon boleh

Melt butter + sugar/brown sugar

Kacau toffee + kacang2 and let it cool to room temperature and crack it or potong according to your desired size and shape

Fussili in chicken tomyam

Halu2..tetibe terase nak menulis2 dikala sang anak sedang enak dibuai mimpi..
Entri hari ni pasal masak2 dihujung minggu, walaupon ade je bende yg dimasak pade hari2 lain tapi xde mood nak post kat blog and takde camera yg best utk amek gambo..

Mek!!!Aku masak makanan kegemaran kite kat Black canyon! Haha..Fussili in chicken tomyam gitew! Idokler sehebat yg kite makan tu..tapi bolehlerrr setakat nak melepas gian setelah sekian lama kite tidak kesana disebabkan oleh krisis ekonomi hahaha

Muy delicioso

Apekah ini? OOo..Ni adelah Cafe Late konon2 buatan sendiri..siap dgn bubble