Saturday, January 22, 2011
Family dinner
Rori Raye : Get loved
If you've ever worked "hard" at getting a man to love you, you probably know firsthand that approach doesn't work very well.
Trying to be very sexy and attractive by wearing the right clothesor saying the right things rarely gets a man "hooked" on you - EMOTIONALLY.
Being very accommodating and "nice" usually gets you more in the "friend" zone than love. It takes a certain way of BEING with a man that makes him take notice and feel a longing for you.
It's not about DOING or TRYING - it's about being the most feminine, authentic and self-assured woman you can be.
It's something you can learn to do, even though what you're doing is just getting rid of the old patterns and pitfalls that DON'T work (but we've been led to believe that they do.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Kehidupan bermadu yang sakinah
Pembahagian waktu yang adil
Quote by Pak Sahidin
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Rori Raye: Lelaki Ini
Men are easy.
But then, they'll often do the absolute MINIMUM they have to do to keep you around.
They'll try to keep you at "girlfriend" level as long as they can without making a commitment.
They'll try to hang onto their "freedom" as long as they can without making a commitment.
They'll say they need "time."
They'll say they're not "ready."
If you lean back, step back, and stop over functioning, they'll cave in to themselves, "snap-to" and work hard to get back in your "good graces" until they can "slack off again" and
STILL keep you around for awhile longer.
Men are champs at drawing things out.
N.I.A. Shukor, Latip, J, M.C. Manshor et al. 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Rori Raye : If you love him don't be his friend
Don't "dump" him, just CROWD HIM OUT. Put him ON HOLD.